Friday, March 14, 2008

Big Broadcast

Last night was the first performance for "Big Broadcast" at the high school. I haven't been feeling very well for the past few days, and yesterday afternoon, I had a fever. I felt awful and was crying at the thought of missing the show. I was determined to go, which I did (with my mom). This is Chelsey's last high school performance!! She sang a duet, "For Good" from Wicked, with her friend as a slide show of the seniors played in the background; it was wonderful! They are both amazing girls. I can't believe the years of volleyball, soccer, track, band, choir, and everything in between are coming to a close.
And then, after 3 hours, there was the final act of the night. This is the one where the students from the master voice class (about 7 girls) teamed up with the students from Kyle's class. They sang a song that written by the staff and students, "Everyday Heroes." It was close to 10 o'clock when they got to this act, so Kyle was a bit tired. It was, after all, after his bedtime, and he had been at the school practically the entire day. But, oh my, it was magical. To see both Chelsey and Kyle on the same stage, singing together, there aren't words to describe it. Kyle kind of kept his head turned to the side a little, but I could see his lips moving throughout most of the song. They got a standing ovation. I of course cried, and do so every time I watch the video that I recorded. I'm going to have to figure out how to use YouTube! John is going tonight with's my turn to stay home with Evan (it's too late of a night for him). I might ask my mom to watch him, but she's very tired right now....more about that in a future post.


theotherlion said...

Hi! Found your blog through Fragile What?! It's always exciting to meet another FX family.

daisygirl said...

HI aunt Jenny! I just found your blog!
Thank you for being so open and sharing. I've always been very curious and yet wasn't sure how to ask for fear of offending.
You have always been quite the warrior in my mind...having a child with a disability of some sort has always been a fear of mine and I have always admired your steadiness. I know I haven't seen the times of breakdown, but those are not moments of weakness. Merely moments of growth.
God's strength in us begins when ours comes to an end and I know when I'm brought to my knees it's because I've been trying to do it all myself.

Anyway, I wanted to encourage you to keep blogging, keep sharing, and I appreciate the window into your life!


Anonymous said...

u haven't updated in awhile...
what, "blogging" not so
"exciting" anymore??=p

fragilemom said...

How great! I bet it was quite a proud moment.