Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mother Daughter Luncheon

Yesterday, Chelsey and I went to the mother daughter luncheon at church. The theme was "quilts." After we ate, we listened to a few speakers. One explained how quilts are much like our lives. Some of the colors we use in a quilt are there only because they complement the other pieces; we may not really care for the color. But each piece plays an important part of making the quilt complete. Just like in our lives, we go through the good times and the bad, but it's all part of God piecing the quilt of our life together; all the pieces fit together. The final speaker was a woman in her 20s who had lost her husband 5 years ago in a farming accident. It was amazing how she was able to "hold it together" while telling her life story (my eyes were welling up); what a strong and inspiring person.
Update on the quilt I'm making for Chel: I finally picked out the material, and it's in the washing machine waiting to be put into the drier. I need to pick up the pace! OK, in my defence, I had to go out of town to get the material; I couldn't find the "right" material here. Quicker progress should taking place from now on. (Unless, of course, I get too busy preparing for her graduation ;)
Yesterday afternoon, Chelsey and I did a little shopping. Let it be known, I don't like shopping, especially on the weekends. I'm not a crowded mall kind of person. We were on a mission to find a white dress for graduation---not an easy task. After trying a few on, and walking through several stores searching for white dresses, we found one in the LAST store that we went to....Sears. It turned out to be a good find all around, because Sears was having their 75% off sale on already marked down items. I was able to get a few shirts and sweaters out of the trip :)


Kristiem10 said...

You know, that is so true about the quilts. It sounds like you had a good time with Chelsey. Way to go on the bargains, too!

Anonymous said...

Wow. That is a neat correlation between life and quilts. I had never really thought of that before.

Anonymous said...

i LOOVE my dress!!=D