Thursday, January 29, 2009


Kyle and Matt's bus was rear-ended this morning...again! This happened about a year ago, although at that time, it was only Kyle on because Matt was in middle school.

I had backed my van out of the garage so that it could warm up. When I got out, I heard sirens, and, me, being the paranoid person that I am, did think that it could possibly be their bus--really, I did.

A few minutes after I came inside, I got a call from the secretary at the school where I work. She told me about the situation and said that they would cover my class while I went to the hospital. It's the rule here: if the special ed. bus gets into an accident, the children must be checked out at the hospital.

I arrived at the hospital before they did, and was relieved to see that they brought the students (5, I think) on a bus. In the last accident, they had Kyle strapped into an ambulance when I arrived at the scene.

The boys strolled in, nervous, but okay. The people working with them did an outstanding job of keeping them calm. We went to a room, along with 2 other students and their two teachers. There, they took vitals. Well, first, they asked if the boys would put on the wrist bans...somebody gave them a little background about the boys...maybe the school's police liaison, he knows about them. As I was saying Matt would not want that on, he spoke up and made it quite clear that he was not going to wear that! So I got to hold his, and they put Kyle's on him. He was concerned about it interfering with his watch, but other than that he was good with it. :)

They took Kyle's vitals first...blood pressure: 120 over 60. Kyle is so much like John. I don't know how often the words Fragile X and "laid back" are used together, but that describes Kyle. It's interesting, because yes, he still gets quite anxious when confronted with uncomfortable situations, but since he has gotten older, he does everything he can to "deal with it." When John was in an accident about 5 years ago (the other driver passed away...accident wasn't John's fault), they asked me in the hospital if he was always that calm. I think they thought he might be in shock, but I assured them that that was just him! Then there's Matt. When they went to put the cuff on his arm, he pulled his hat over his face and was extremely frustrated. His blood pressure: 182 over 112!! I don't think I could make mine go that high if I tried. They then moved us to another room so he could relax. The doctor came in to do a quick check. He was very friendly and interacted really well with the boys. They check Matt's blood pressure again, and she said it was better, although she didn't say what the numbers were.

The teachers and the superintendent asked if the boys were going to go to school or stay home. It was already a 2 hour delay, and the teacher assured me that they wouldn't be missing much. I asked the boys, and they thought that staying home was a mighty fine idea. Well, actually, they stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Although this is bus accident number 2, I'm very thankful that both were so minor.


Kim said...

Goodness! Tell those drivers to be more careful!
Glad to here that the boys did well. That's nerve wracking no matter who you are.

Kristiem10 said...

Yikes! I am glad they handled it ok, but that is just scary!

Anonymous said...

wow.. very scary. Your boys did so well thats amazing!

Anonymous said...

wow...that bus is a moving target :(

Anonymous said...

Not paranoid, psychic!

Looks like as is well this time. Thank Goodness.


Anonymous said...

No school?? Geez. :p

Jen said...

A picture of the bus along with the car that hit it made the front page of the paper...yes, small town. Matt carried the newspaper around the house quite a bit today! A few weeks ago during yucky weather, I had slid through the same stop sign where the accident happened. Lucky for me, there were no other cars around at the time.

Laura said...

Sounds like a harrowing ordeal. How does that happen twice in a year??? Good for the kiddos for keeping it together...

Umma said...

How scary, I'm so glad they are OK and handled it so well.

Betsy Brock said...

OH my! What an ordeal...glad everyone is alright.

About Nancy said...

I pray you never have another bus accident again. What are the odds of two in two years. Glad all is ok.

Lorie said...

I always had that fear when Cal use to ride the special ed bus....I'm sorry it happened to you TWICE nonetheless! Glad they are okay.