Monday, June 22, 2009

What's Playing at the Movies

Chelsey has taken Kyle to the movies a couple of times recently---Night at the Museum, and Monsters and Aliens. A couple of weeks ago, this is what Chelsey found on her calender.

As you can see--in case you weren't aware--Transformers starts on the 24th.


ST said...

That is adorable!

Anonymous said...

i'm afraid to see what happens if he doesn't get to see it

Jen said...

Yeah, so were we! He, Chelsey, Matt, and MIL (she's such a good sport) went to see it...the first show...12:45.
If he hadn't seen it today, we never would have heard the end of it until he did! BUT, the first thing he said to me when he got back, "I wonder when Transformers comes out on DVD." Oh no...we will hear that EVERYDAY (throughout the day) until it does...

Holly's Mom said...

That is so Awesome.. a man after my own heart!